Thursday 3 January 2013

Time Continues to run Amok

Yes it's once again been a good while since I last posted. I have since the last time had a lovely birthday, Christmas and New Year. On a more hobby related front I have also got a lot together ready for this years Deathwatch, no pictures there though as I don't want to give the game away. Soon I'll be working out a date for that and begin ramping up to the game. First up will be the story of last years game written by Simon.

What I can show however is the 1000 point Dark Angels force I'm putting together for GW Oslo's Battle for the Caradryad Sector ( Here are the wip shots of the army so far. Some day soon I'll sit at a real computer and lay out a propper blog post about how I made my Belial conversion, his alternative backstory and what the army consists of. This was planned out just before the White Dwarf leeks so I now can't wait to see how it all goes.

Well the campaign begins tomorrow so I had better get some sleep, wish me luck for my first real games of 6th. Ed.

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