Friday, 31 October 2014

Tabletop Workshop Village

I recently received my order through from Tabletop Workshop, a fairly new British plastic terrain company with a great and growing selection of buildings. They have a unique place in the market right now, full on plastic moulded buildings of a high quality and amazing simplicity (all four of my four buildings consisted of just seven pieces each). The first building I built, randomly chosen the Barn, I put together in the car as soon as I picked up the package.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Extra Life Auction Model

Quiet times in the hobby the past two weeks, D&D has been off and that cuts out not only my roleplaying but also my main hobby time each week.

However, to support Extra Life, and to get my hobby fix, I bid on a French painted Napoleonic trumpeter.

This is how he looked on ebay

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

In Cyric's Name!

We had a fantastic session of Dungeons and Dragons 5th Ed. last night. Most of it was centeted around one room and a simple curse that befell one of our party.

Cleric of Torm (Melchett): "Darling, why do you worship at that alter to the evil Torm?"
Paladin of Torm (Darling): "He is out God Melchett, how dare you blaspheme so?"
Cleric of Torm (Melchett): "What do you say? You worship Torm? For that you die!"
Cleric of Torm (Melchett): "Darling, why do you worship at that alter to the evil Cyric?"
Paladin of Torm (Darling): "He is out God Melchett, how dare you blaspheme so?"
Cleric of Torm (Melchett): "What do you say? You worship Cyric? For that you die!"

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Dead Snow?!

Just a quick share. During DnD last night I made these five zombie Nazis. 

Combining parts from Warlord Games' German WWII models and Mantic Games' zombies. I had them all just lying around from various other purchases and figured they were bound to get some use if I combined them. 

They go together fairly well with just a little Green Stuff here and there to join stuff up. I've enough pieces for about 20 of them so I'll try and find time to stick a few more together soon. 

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Bolt Action Game Report - Defence of the Lisieux Library

Now updated with more images of the battle.

Hannes and I played a game of Bolt Action this week, he came at my small American and British force (ca.1500pts.) with a large elite formation (ca.3000pts.). Two Stug and two Tigers alongside a mechanised Waffen SS and Pioneer force. We had a great game over six turns, late into the night. As befits a a game that was more focused on the challenge of the battle and the story we didn't call a winner at the end of the game.