Last October I joined the Journeyman’s League that Privateer Press organised, held in Outland, Oslo’s FLGS. I knew some of the others that were entering and had been looking for a while to try out the game. I’d been hearing more and more about it after the ‘collapse’ of the Fantasy scene in Australia and the related podcast fallout and the D6Generation’s mixed views on the game so I jumped at the chance to get involved in an organised fashion.
I looked at the options for quite a while, a few faction in both games looked good Khador, Circle & Mercs all having some appeal, but it was the Golden Swans that won me over, I liked the idea of a dark looking Cygnar force trampsing through a Khador town (having now read some more fluff that doesn’t seem likely to occur). So I picked up a Battle Box for my week one games and got glueing…
I ended up with two Battle Boxes (the things a dedicated hobbyist finds in his Bitz Box) so used some parts of Micro Arts Studio figure (Wolfgung I think) to make my second Stryker into a Journeyman warcaster. Then on the next Sunday I got in my first few games. Turns out Warmachine is really fun!! The Khador opponent (and other Khador players) beat me so many times during the league I added something special to an upcoming base. Over the next few weeks I played a lot of games (23) and achieved an almost 40% win ratio. On the Beasts of War forums I kept a bit of a record of my progress, so if after reading this you'd like to see more photos including wip pics and some thoughts after battles please feel free to follow this link and have a browse. I also almost scored the most points for painting during the period, so here is the rest of my Cygnar force as it stands today.
So you see for a six week period I went in pretty heavy, conversions, big figures, scenic bases, the works. Since then things have of course slowed down, most of what I started is finished, I need to finish the Stormswords and Black 13th and I’m working on my Stormclad and a Stormcaller.
On the left is my attempts at creating an electro leap effect around my Stormclad, which up until a few minutes ago I was very pleased with. Having now stumbled upon’s Cygnar page I feel I need to up my game on this front. Awesome inspiration… |
Again I’d love to get comments back, what do people think about my models, my painting, my ramblings?
Looks good!
ReplyDeleteMakes me want to get painting more of my Portals: Worlds Collide figures...
You should Jared, looks like you had quite a massive project planned there. Do you have any finished pieces you could revive your blog with?
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks, these models have been great to work with, I must just get more done. :)