Brother Arius' player requested an Assault Marine of the Blood Ravens in a pose similar to the Sanguinor, here are the results so far.
Simon has quite a task ahead getting these old biker legs to bulk up to current Marine torso sizes but is off to a great start. In his spare time he has also installed a Bionic arm on Brother Alatar of the Dark Angels to replace the one lost during The Depths of Atonement last year.
This blog is now month old today, and last night passed 1000 views. Many of them have come from but many more are from all around the world so thank you to everyone who has read this. I really appreciate anyone taking their time to look on here and would love to get feedback on the posts I've been making. The Intro Story for example was the first part of fiction I've ever really written and I'd love to hear if it sucked or if it got some sort of feeling across? From the members of Killteam Apache I'd especially like to hear about their thoughts on it and views on the upcoming game.
I'm also now contacting a couple of blog networks that I enjoy to feature Inquisitor Drake to hopefully get a few more people looking here and not leaving only poor Brother Tiberius to comment alone. The Shell Case Alliance & The 40k n00b are both great blogs that lead communities of other great blogs so here's hoping the accept me.
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