Thursday, 26 July 2012

40K Motivation - GK2

With the release of 6th edition motivation is of course pretty high. This is tempered by the new baby time vaccum, but I have found time to finish building my second Grey Knight.

The actual time spent on him was much less than the first yet I feel the Green Stuffing went much better. I hope that by plugging away I'll reach a point where I can sculpt some basic details as well as flat surfaces.

Number three is all clipped out and ready to convert. Let's hope I can get a squad going soon.

When I popoed into my local FLGS to pick up some Army Painter spray for my Imperial Strongpoint I saw the new LOTR LEGO. Helmsdeep in the window is amazing.

OK, this is my first 'blog on the go' using the Blogger iPhone App. Please let me know if any technical problems come up.


  1. Great progress there mate, loving what you're doing with the GK.

    Just before checking your blog I was actually working on my aegis defence line too! And looks like there weren't any issues with the blogger app mate.

    ps. Totally agree about helms deep, looks amazing.

    1. Thanks, really enjoying them.

      Have you built a Quad Gun? I had to pull the barrels off when I was almost done after spotting the instructions puts them upside down. :/

    2. I am just about to start building it now I'm home from work!
      Right after I've undercoated the wall sections while the weather is nice. I'll watch out for that, cheers!
