Sunday, 29 July 2012

What I Hear–Fandible

So unlike with the blogs where I’ve begun with what for me is one of the centres of the hobby community, I’m going to start with a podcast that is not like the rest. The Fandible Podcast is an Actual Play RPG podcast that has been going for a couple of years now.
Fan 1
“Fandible is a website dedicated to the role-playing culture and all the fun that comes with it.”

I found I whilst was planning my first round of the Deathwatch campaign, I wanted to hear how the 40k roleplay rules worked. So I started listening to their Dark Heresy campaign, and it was awesome. The group consists of 3-4 guys and 1-2 girls from various backgrounds who I believe are based in New York. Arvandus is most often the GM, although the other players all rotate in and run adventures in a large variety of different systems. They have played a load of different games that you can now find easily in their archives.

One off games include:
  • The Laundry
  • Supernatural
  • Part Time Gods
  • Fortune’s Fool
  • & others (even ‘Tequila and Betrayal on House on Haunted Hill’)
The real highlights of the show are the longer term campaigns, a few of their stories now cover multiple adventures following the same characters. The Dresden Files RPG has provided some hilarious moments as a coloured WereEmu transforms back to human form in 19th Century New York as they battle time travelling Vampires and had a hell of a time with the Fey. Their Pulp adventures within the Hollow Earth have taken them from Amazons to Nazis, Nymphs to Pirates and with Dinosaurs along all the way.
The true powerhouse series on the podcast are the Warhammer 40k RPG games from Fantasy Flight Games. These are run by Arvandus and are quite simply fantastic. Their Dark Heresy campaign focuses on a small band of Inquisitorial Acolytes, a ranking Arbites son, an ex-hive ganger and a Tech Priest. They have now saved multiple planets at the costs of a great many lives and a good few living communities. Ratt’s fall into corruption alongside Theodorus’ ‘fall’ into Imperial thinking adds a great amount of depth alongside the stories being told themselves.

Barsher Da Barsher is one of the most amusing characters you can imagine, the Ork, wanna be boss, wanna be Mek Boy. Barsher supports his Kaptain, (another Rogue Trader so pro-xeno would be hard to find) alongside the rest of the crew in a Rogue Trader Campaign that has focused on the workings of a vessel in the 41st Millennium and the taking of contracts to build up fortunes.

Fandible handled Deathwatch in a special way, having a female player they chose to focus their campaign on the discovery of a female Marine. This led to a quite different and interesting set of adventures with a strong theme. Angela, the female player discussed the experience on the Gaming as Women blog. Black Crusade has so far had only one session, maybe there will be more, I personally am OK with more Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader.

More recently Fandible have updated their site, the addition of a Youtube channel and an onsite blog/article archive is interesting. It’s going to be great to see what they make of it all, I’m with them all the way. This is on top of them reviving the 'Couple of Geeks' podcast within their own feed, an 'open chat' style show hosted by Angela & Billy a married couple from among the regular hosts. They have also begun a discussion show about RPG's in general and their experiences specificly.

I hope some of you enjoy the podcast, it can be found on iTunes as well as their own site and they are really good at updating regularly. Covering a podcast has been tougher than blogs or figures as the format is not suited to viewing. :) I hope I've done it justice. Let me know what I could do to make these more interesting. Future 'What I Hear's will be more focused on wargaming podcasts I listen to.


  1. What a wonderful review! Thank you so much for the kind words you have for us. It's been a long two years but we're glad that we actually decided to start posting these adventures so many years ago.

    Rogue Trader isn't going away for awhile. We're planning to keep that running for some time because we are absolutely in love with the characters and setting. Dark Heresy is something we've considered going back too but we also feel we've told that story. Though, I'll be honest, I do miss playing Theodorus!

    We've played Deathwatch, and we're glad we did. However, we found that it isn't exactly the flavor we're going for. We're just... so powerful in those games, it's hard to adjust to it. Instead of coming up with a super sneaky plan to sneak into the base, we pretty much can just charge in, guns blazing, and get the same result.

    As for Black Crusade... we had fun but we all agree that while we're under no illusions that the Imperial of Man is 'good', they are nothing compared to how.. awful.. Black Crusaders are! We like to be -somewhat- heroic! So, I don't see us playing that again though who knows.

    It's been a blast doing the podcast and hearing from all you. Thank you so much for this wonderful response to us, Drake. Your comments have always been fantastic.

  2. I finally find some time to comment and billy beats me to it BAH!!!

    Billy pretty much said what I wanted to say so all I really need to say is thanks. You have been a great fan and I hope you stay interested in us. I promise to always put my characters in horrible and interesting situations . It gives me joy and I love how it gives joy to so many others.

  3. Thanks guys for commenting here, and for doing such a great job with your show. I hope that a few more people learn of your podcast from this article.
