Monday, 23 July 2012

What I Read – The Shell Case

A little update for anyone who reads this now. The Shellcase Forums have closed down due to not being used so much. Whilst this is a shame it is a sign of the fantastic community that Phil, et al have grown over Twitter and across the blog network. To that end the Shellcase Alliance has received it's own website and is as strong as ever.

I wrote this post a few days ago as part of my attempt to get on top of blogging and have content ready to post. I'd thought to put it up tomorrow when I was home and had some free time. but as The Shell Case is celebrating it's one year birthday today it feels like I should get this out. So Happy Birthday Phil, well done and thanks for the hard work and inspiration.

Here are one of the two blogs I feel stand back the #Warmongers, a fantastic Twitter community that stretches the world over and covers many games and aspects of the hobby. Whilst the community is widely spread in interests as well as location I believe it’s success stems from the dedication of Phil (@TheShellCase) of the Shell Case and Dave (@DocBungle) of Miniature Musings of a Bear.
The Shell Case blog is many things all in one. There are a lot of reviews and early looks at models and games, although recently at least they have been focused on games that don’t interest me so much. There have also been a lot of ‘personal opinion’ posts, these of late have been focused on the new fluff of 40K and an entertaining look at Ultramarines from a guest writer (#Warmonger @tjstep83).
The support to the community goes far beyond his own blog posts however The Shell Case blog is also the hub for four extra, and excellent  services.
Shell Alliance Shell Shorts Shell Forum Shell Chron
The Shell Case Alliance is a group of hobby related blogs that are all accessible from one place. The members (and especially the two bloggers covered today) re-blog each other and support each others projects and competitions etc. Many blogs that I cover over time will be members of the Shell Case Alliance as it is a great resource for finding the works and opinions of people within the hobby.
The Shell Case Shorts is a series of monthly (or thereabouts I think) writing competitions run by Phil and supported by a great selection of prizes. The topics have ranged from Steampunk to design a Space Marine chapter. I’ve read some of the winners and really enjoyed them, one day I’ll enter. Simon (my most regular commenter) should really think about entering these.
The Shell Case Forum is a great forum that anyone can join up to and all of the writers within the Shell Case Alliance are members of. It’s not the busiest forum in the world, but like the Alliance you can find discussions and help on a massive range of topics.
The Shell Case Chronicles is a online paper that has a collection of articles from around the web with a broad pull of hobby related topics. A great browse that updates regularly.
The Shell Case blog is a great resource and a great read, one of the four five blogs I check daily, and Phil’s regular and interesting comments and discussions on Twitter add massively to the appeal.

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