Sunday, 19 August 2012

What I Read–WarLlama

Here we are with an absolute favourite blog of mine, WarLlama. Tim (@WarLlama40k) is a fellow member of the Shellcase Alliance and a fantastic blogger. Mostly a hobby site, there are regular updates of his progress with various armies alongside a steady flow of news and reviews.

As you can see from the WarLlama banner above, Tim’s focus is entirely GW and mostly 40k. He doesn’t have large painted armies, but after seeing some of his recent videos and reading his posts you quickly understand that like most of us, his collection far outstrips his completion rate. More impressive however is the constant progress he seems to be making. Few weeks go by without some sort of post about hobby progress getting done. Be it the addition of Necrons to his army range or how to create bases in the style of a Dwarven drinking hall.

Recently Tim had a week free from work where he planned to paint up all of his Necron's, a search on Twitter under the #Warllamanecronweek should show everything that he did through the week, and his post afterwards sums it all up nicely. Now painting the entire army in a week went as well as anyone could expect, but that didn't stop it being an awesome and enjoyable week of progress reports.

A highlight of the WarLlama are his White Dwarf reviews. These are fantastic, including a range of back issues going back to the good old days (pre Fat Dwarf) and including each issue as it is released now. A recent inclusion is video reviews to go besides his written summary. Tim is fair, but harsh. His leaning towards 40k colours his views, but not as much as his dislike for pages thrown away on advertising pictures. Smile This is a  really fun series that I’m pleased to see he is fully behind, he just recently bought a new batch of old WD’s from ebay.
Warvid 017 - WD 190 cover
A lovely page on the site, and one that I may work on copying some time (maybe for the new year) is the Scores and Stats section. A great idea where w/l/d’s for different armies and ratings for WD’s and Black Library novels are recorded. A recent success was Tim’s Battle Report, Necrons vs. Ultramarines allied with Tau (Tim’s force). A game of 6th edition 40k that was described in a narrative fashion following advice he got from Vox Diaries of the Imperium (also in the Shellcase Alliance).
All in all WarLlama is a really enjoyable blog written by an everyday dedicated hobbyist. Tim carries it all off in a style that really suits me, hence this is always the first blog I check when I get to sit down in the evening. As always I hope anyone that follows the links from here find something that they like as well, I’d love to hear back on anyone's opinions on the WarLlama.

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